The ALI Blog

Ancient Greek Workshop (11/30/23): Theophrastus’ “Characters” (Session II)
Theophrastus Workshop Details: Although this workshop is second in a series, there is no requirement to have attended the first one. The moment you begin

Ancient Greek Workshop (10/12/23): Theophrastus’ “Characters” (Session I)
Theophrastus Workshop Details: The moment you begin learning Ancient Greek, Athens looms as an inevitable stop along the road, regardless of your final destination. However,

Latin Workshop (7/27/23): Erasmus’ Epic Winter Quest
Erasmus Workshop Details: Quem ego posthāc Herculem, quem Ulyssem nōn contemnam? As the summer heat continues to rise, remember the perils of winter with the

Latin Workshop (5/16/23): The Venerable Bede and the Songs of Caedmon
Bede Workshop Details: In his Historia Ecclēsiastica Gentis Anglōrum (Ecclesiastical History of the English People) the Venerable Bede – the 7th-century Anglo-Saxon historian, theologian, and

Ancient Greek Workshop (4/11/23): Reading Aesop in Historic Prints.
Aesop Workshop Details: You can read your text edition’s Ancient Greek font without thinking, but you feel worlds apart from ever reading a manuscript. How

Poetic Iconoclasm: Reflections on Patrick Downey’s Serious Comedy
Iconoclasm, the hatred and destruction of man-made images, is an old tendency in Abrahamic religions, emerging with violence in one century or another before submerging

Latin Workshop (3/16/23): Erasmus and His Strange Seal
Erasmus Workshop Details: In one of his numerous letters, Erasmus of Rotterdam – the 15th-century Dutch scholar, philosopher, theologian, and translator – addresses a contentious

Ancient Greek Workshop (3/7/23): ΠΕΡΙ ΑΝΑΚΡΕΟΝΤΕΙΩΝ. On the So-Called Anacreontic Poems.
Anacreontic Poems Workshop Details: Fed up with hexameters, but somewhat intimidated by the prospect of having to recite the great tragedians? Good news! There is

Old English Workshop (2/28/23): How to Read an Old English Poem (even if you can’t read Old English yet)
Old English Poetry Workshop Details: One of the most compelling reasons to learn Old English is to gain access to some of the most beautiful

Ancient Greek Workshop (2/7/23): ΠΕΡΙ ΛΟΓΟΥ ΜΕΡΩΝ. On the Parts of Speech.
Parts of Speech Workshop Details: You are using Ancient Greek actively, but you also want to talk about grammar? Good news! In this workshop, we