Expert Latin: Ciceronis De Amicitia

Sign-up below for the Fall term. Registrations close August 10th.

Expert Latin (L402): Fall Term

Ciceronis De Amicitia

It’s Cicero time! For the medieval West, there was perhaps no ancient work on friendship more influential than Marcus Tullius Cicero’s work De Amicitia. In it, that master of Roman oratory and philosophy, Cicero, stages a dialogue in which Gaius Laelius mourns his recently deceased friend, Scipio Africanus, and supposedly, Laelius’ sentiments reflect the actual thoughts of the historical Scipio Africanus. But Cicero’s interest in friendship is of course not just historical or theoretical; his famous friendship with Titus Pomponius Atticus is attested by his many extant letters to Atticus, to whom De Amicitia is dedicated.

  • Cost: $725
  • Expert Latin Details:
    • Class sessions last 1.5 hours
    • 1 class session per week
    • Course lasts 14 weeks
    • Term runs September 1st – December 14th
  • ALI classes are completely risk-free: Get a 100% refund anytime before your second class session
    • Refunds after the second class session are done on a pro rata basis

Q: Is this the right course for me?

A: ALI students who have successfully completed L302 at ALI are eligible for L402. We also welcome, of course, students who have begun their Latin education elsewhere. Feel free to reach out to us if you are unsure about which class is right for you. 

What You Need to Know

  1. Classes run on a trimester basis.
    • Fall: September – December
    • Spring: January – April
    • Summer: May – August
  2. Expert Latin: Ciceronis De Amicitia will be split into two different sections:
    1. L402 Section A will meet on Tuesdays, 10:30am – 12pm PDT (San Francisco)
    2. L402 Section B will meet on Wednesdays, 3:30pm – 5pm PDT (San Francisco)
  3. Classes are live, online classes run by ALI Latin professors. Learn Latin from anywhere.
  4. You can skip the semester system. With one-on-one Tutorials, you can set up your own class schedule with an ALI professor.
  5. We want to make sure you’re completely satisfied. If you don’t love your first Latin class, we guarantee a 100% refund. After that, in weeks 2 – 4, refunds will be made on a pro rata basis, based on however many class sessions you’ve attended. We cannot issue refunds after the fourth week of classes.

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