Interim ē Vesuviō monte plūribus locīs lātissimae flammae altaque incendia relūcēbant…
Pliny the Younger Workshop Details:
- Date: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
- Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm PST (8:00pm – 10:00pm EST)
- Location: Online via Zoom
- Cost: $10
- Text: Annotated student’s edition of Epistulae VI.XVI Plīniī Minōris provided before workshop
- Difficulty: Students who have completed Intermediate Latin or above.
- Cancellation policy: Full refund available before November 5th. No refunds afterwards.
After the destruction of Pompeii, Pliny the Younger – the Roman senator and prolific correspondent – recounts his uncle’s courage and sacrifice during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. This letter provides a fascinating eye-witness account of the famous volcanic eruption, as well as a tribute to Pliny the Younger’s uncle, Pliny the Elder.
Models of Latin correspondence, Pliny the Younger’s letters have intrigued, educated, and entertained readers for centuries. Their style – polished, yet conversational – is both challenging and accessible.
In this 2-hour online workshop, ALI Latin & Greek Fellow Katherine L. Bradshaw will lead students through a guided reading of Pliny the Younger’s Epistulae VI.XVI, all in Latin. No familiarity with Pliny is assumed, though you should have experience reading in Latin in order to benefit from this workshop.
All students will receive an annotated student’s version of Epistulae VI.XVI shortly before the workshop begins. You are not expected to do any homework in preparation for the workshop, but you are welcome to do so. Attendance is limited to 12 students max in order to preserve a small, collegial atmosphere, so if you’re interested, don’t hesitate to sign up.

Katherine L. Bradshaw, ALI’s Latin & Greek Fellow, has an M.A. in Classics from the University of Maryland, as well as an M.A. in English from the George Washington University. She is happiest when discussing shared aspects of the human experience, particularly if the conversation turns to Latin poetry, Latin and ancient Greek biography, food in the Greco-Roman world, ancient Christianity, or Shakespeare. In addition to highlighting links across time and space, Katherine can be found speaking Latin and ancient Greek at various immersion workshops, knitting for charity, or training for Spartan obstacle course races.
We are sorry, but this workshop has sold out. We are now forming a waiting list in the event a registered participant drops out. Please email and ask to be added to the waiting list.