Latin Teacher Boot Camp


In this online summer intensive course, current and future Latin teachers will rapidly march through the fundamentals of Latin grammar, acquire a ton of vocabulary, and learn how to read and speak in Latin. We will also discuss the Direct Method and learn how to use spoken Latin in the classroom.
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Five-Week Intensive Online Summer Class

As a monolingual English speaker I was amazed that in only 5 weeks I had instantaneous recall of all five noun declensions, four verb conjugations in present indicative active and passive, and pronouns. And all without extending any effort to consciously memorize anything—it was simply the natural result of the brilliant method of first teaching the grammatical pattern through many examples, then a short explanation in English merely confirming what one had already induced from the examples, and then practicing the new pattern through intelligent drills (again, exclusively in Latin) and finally applying what one had acquired to an entertaining and often amusing story. I couldn’t believe how fluidly I could read the story at the end of each lesson as my brain just effortlessly decoded the sentences at the speed of speech. – Terrance H., Tallahassee, FL

Do you plan on teaching Latin? Whether you are a teacher about to start teaching Latin this fall, a curious homeschool parent, or a headmaster interested in using a living language methodology at your school, this is the course for you. We assume no prior familiarity with Latin, though participants who have studied Latin before, especially with a grammar-translation methodology, will still benefit greatly from the Boot Camp.

We are going to get you reading, listening to, and speaking in Latin over the course of five weeks of intense study.

Over five weeks this summer, we will walk you through the fundamentals of Latin, spend lots of time reading and speaking in Latin, and discuss how to implement a spoken methodology in the classroom. You will gain familiarity with some incredible language-learning tools while also learning the Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, Dative, Ablative, and Vocative Cases; the Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter Gender; all five Declensions; Present Active Indicative Verbs in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Persons, both singular and plural; the Infinitive; the Passive; and lots of Latin vocabulary! By the end, you will be well equipped to continue your Latin studies on your own.

The Ancient Language Institute’s direct method of language teaching makes learning Latin fun and intuitive, and we are able to take advantage of the stellar suite of print and digital tools developed by Tim Griffith of Picta Dicta. In the Boot Camp, we’ll be using “Latin Grammar 3,” an integrated Picta Dicta module designed especially for middle and high school students, but there is no expectation that you’ll be using that particular platform in your own future teaching or personal study.

This will be a highly interactive seminar focused on introducing you to the basics of the Latin language while having lots of fun along the way. Sections will be limited to 12 participants to preserve a friendly, collegial atmosphere.

  • Cost: $500
  • Latin Teacher Boot Camp Details:
    • All class meetings occur live over Zoom
    • Class meetings are 1.5 hours long
      • Students should be prepared for an additional 6 hours of study outside of class every week
    • ALI will provide course materials to all participants at no additional cost
    • Full refunds available two weeks before class start date. No refunds can be issued afterwards.
    • Total of 10 class meetings over 5 weeks
      • Meets twice a week
      • Different start dates and class times available
    • Students can choose between six separate sections
      • Section A (June 2-July 3): Mondays & Thursdays, 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM Pacific
      • Section B (June 2- July 3): Mondays & Thursdays, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Pacific
      • Section C (June 23 – July 24): Mondays & Thursdays, 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM Pacific
      • Section D (June 23 – July 24): Mondays & Thursdays, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM Pacific
      • Section E (July 21 – August 21): Mondays & Thursdays, 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Pacific
      • Section F (July 21 – August 21): Mondays & Thursdays, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Pacific

Boot Camp Teachers

Joseph Roberts, our Latin Fellow, is the brother of ALI Founder Jonathan Roberts. He received a B.A. and an M.A. from New Saint Andrews College. During his time there he studied Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, as well as participating in their Wenden House Latin translation projects. Immediately after graduating he began teaching Latin full time in private schools. He is now the head of school of Lewis Clark Christian School and teaches Latin on the side. In his spare time he writes Latin stories which his wife illustrates.


Reuben Jansen, our Latin Fellow, received his B.A. From New Saint Andrews College where he studied Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Reuben is the head of Languages and Humanities at Covenant Preparatory School in Southern Pines, North Carolina. He is author of the Picta Dicta Latin Primer series, co-author of the Latin Grammar series, and author of the Puer et Monstrum reader. Latin is his favorite distraction from ice-hockey which he plays with his 5 children while his pregnant wife (#6) cheers them on.

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