Ancient Greek Workshop (4/11/23): Reading Aesop in Historic Prints.

Aesop Workshop Details:

  • Date: Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
  • Time: 12:30pm – 3:45pm PDT (3:30pm – 6:45pm EDT)
  • Location: Online via Zoom
  • Cost: $20
  • Difficulty: This workshop will be conducted in Ancient Greek. Low-intermediate Greek knowledge is a minimum requirement. Must be familiar with the aorist.
  • Cancellation policy: Full refund available before April 4th. No refunds afterwards.

You can read your text edition’s Ancient Greek font without thinking, but you feel worlds apart from ever reading a manuscript. How about we try historic prints first?

Learning to read prints (those which include so-called ligatures, fun squiggly lines, etc.) not only broadens one’s horizon and possibly bridges some important gaps on our way to reading manuscripts, it also opens the door to centuries of literary (re-) production. This is now more relevant than ever as the 21st century keeps digitizing historic books, making more and more of them accessible to the public. In this workshop, we will read a number of Aesopic Fables in a print from 1727, laying the fundaments for a powerful 21st-c. skill of any dedicated student of Ancient Greek.

The workshop will take place over the course of 195 minutes, which includes a 15-minute break.

You are not expected to do any homework in preparation for the workshop. Attendance is limited to 12 students max in order to preserve a small, collegial atmosphere. So, if you’re interested, don’t hesitate. Sign up, and we look forward to seeing you on April 11th!

Michael Kopf, our Latin & Greek Fellow, was born and raised in Upper Austria. He has studied and lived in Munich, Vienna, and Jerusalem. Since receiving his MA in Ancient Philology from the Polis Institute in 2015, he has taught Latin and Greek to middle-schoolers, high-schoolers, graduate students, as well as independent learners in immersion and in more conventional settings. His special interests include ancient grammatical texts as well as the use of poetry in language teaching. In 2020, he and his wife decided to resettle in rural Austria from where they both teach classical languages in different capacities.

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