Latin Tutorials

Latin Tutorials: One-on-one classes for any skill level

Interested in one-on-one instruction? Do you have a particular course of study you’d like to follow? Have a unique schedule that requires odd meeting times for class hours? Our Tutorials exist in order to meet the needs of any student at any Latin skill level, from Beginner to Expert levels. If a regular class won’t work for you for whatever reason, we can design a one-on-one Tutorial to meet your needs.

  • Cost: $1,350
  • Latin Tutorial Details:
    • Sessions last 1 hours
    • 14 total sessions
    • Customize the schedule and curriculum according to your needs
  • ALI classes are completely risk-free: Get a 100% refund anytime before your second Tutorial session
    • $100 application deposit required
      • Fully refundable if not accepted or you change your mind 
      • Deposit credited towards tuition if accepted 
    • Refunds after the second Tutorial session are done on a pro rata basis

Latin Tutorial Application Form

Apply to enroll in a one-on-one Latin Tutorial.

Step 1 of 4

  • The tutorial application deposit is fully refundable. If you withdraw your application, are rejected, or otherwise not placed into a tutorial, we will refund your deposit. If you are accepted and placed, we will credit the deposit amount towards your tuition payment.
  • $0.00
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa

What You Need to Know

  1. Tutorials can get started at any time, irrespective of the academic calendar.
  2. Tutorial meetings times are highly flexible. We’ll work with you to find a class time that works for you and your teacher.
  3. Classes are live, online classes run by ALI Latin professors. Learn Latin from anywhere.
  4. Apply now, pay later. We won’t charge you anything until we have paired you with a teacher and arranged your weekly class time.
  5. You can skip the semester system. With one-on-one Tutorials, you can set up your own class schedule with an ALI professor.
  6. We want to make sure you’re completely satisfied. If you don’t love your first Latin class, we guarantee a 100% refundAfter that, in weeks 2 – 4, refunds will be made on a pro rata basis, based on however many class sessions you’ve attended. We cannot issue refunds after the fourth week of classes.

Wrong class for you? Check out all of ALI's Latin courses.

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